Save the swans protest

Peaceful protest at Kings Mill ReservoirPeaceful protest at Kings Mill Reservoir
Peaceful protest at Kings Mill Reservoir
A group of Animal Rights activists staged a peaceful protest at Kings mill Reservoir on Saturday, following a recent spate of mute swan deaths.

The demo was organised by the Kirby-in-Ashfield based Reach Out for Animal Rights group (R.O.A.R.), and educational leaflets were handed out to the public as the protested walked a circuit of the reservoir.

Activists chanted slogans such as “save our Swans ,Ashfield District Council” via a megaphone, while carrying placards with slogans such as “R.I.P. the swans that died here”.

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Two Police officers attended and left after a short period of time once they were satisfied that the protestors were staying within the law .

David Sommerville, Animal Rights activist, said: “Last year, In one week alone, seven swans died of botulism at Kings Mill Reservoir.

“The death toll would have been higher were it not for the prompt actions of Cedar Wildlife Sanctuary (CWS), who successfully treated several swans in CWS’s own animal hospital. An autopsy, carried out by a local vets confirmed the cause of death in one of the swan, as botulism .”

Last year, a swan was killed at Kings Mill Reservoir, when it became tangled up in carelessly discarded fishing line. Another swan suffered an injury to its beak from a fishing hook, before being treated, thanks to CWS & R.O.A.R.

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Now more than 83,000 people have signed an online petition to save the swans, which was organised by animal-rights supporter David.

To support the petition to save the swans, please visit

It asks Ashfield District Council to install CCTV cameras at King’s Mill Reservoir to help keep the birds safe.

Says campaigner David Sommerville: “In a nutshell, we want the council to do something.

“Swans are, by law, protected birds, but they have been killed at King’s Mill Reservoir for a number of years now.

“The numbers are dwindling fast.”