READER LETTER: Toilets - A ridiculous situation

Toilet signToilet sign
Toilet sign
I refer to the article regarding '˜Library Toilet' in last week's Hucknall Dispatch. It is ridiculous in this day and age not to have public conveniences in a town. Why can't the toilets on the market place be re-opened during the day? They should have never been closed. I am sure most people would be willing to pay to use them and this would help towards the up-keep. What must visitors to the town and Byron's burial place think when they cannot find a public toilet?

There would probably be more stalls on the market if the stallholders had public toilets close at hand. What is the point of trying to re-generate a town when you cannot offer basic public services?

The library is not the right place to have public toilets. If people go into cafes and pubs to use their toilets they feel obliged to buy a drink. The local council should make this matter a priority.

Concerned Hucknall

resident of 62 years

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