Bulwell man creates community garden in wife's memory

Smokie Bass at Mo's MeadowSmokie Bass at Mo's Meadow
Smokie Bass at Mo's Meadow
A Bulwell man has turned a derelict piece of land into a picturesque garden in memory of his wife.

Smokie Bass lost his wife, Mo, at the age of 77, a year ago.

Smokie was given the go-ahead by Nottingham City Council to transform the public site, which is near the Highbury Vale tram stop.

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He has planted a wide variety of flowers along the borders of the large grassed area and on a central plot.

He started developing the site in March, beginning with just a few daffodils.

Smokie regularly spends ten hours a day tending the land, which he calls Mo's Meadow.

He says: "I thought it would be a fitting way to remember my dear Mo to create a place of peace and reflection."

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Neighbours of Smokie have taken the garden to their hearts and have given a lot of support, including donations of flowers and ornamental features.

He is often given such compliments as "It's lovely" by people passing the garden on their way to catch a tram.

One neighbour, Duane Beadsworth, who has made a sturdy wooden bench for the garden and provided Smoke with a wheelbarrow, said: "I am glad to have been able to help."

Bird boxes and a water butt are also in use on the site and plaques have been attached to an adjoining fence.

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One of these describes the garden as 'a place to gather your thoughts in loving memory'.

Meanwhile, a Notts TV video about the project has received thousands of hits.

Smokie says: "I would like to thank everyone who has supported me and it is wonderful that the garden has done so much to bring the local community together."

Work is still being done to transform the area and one thing Smokie greatly needs is an electric mower to cover the big expanse of turf.

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He would like anyone who can help to contact him on 07507 758 422.

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