Police issue advice to Bulwell business owners after seven burglaries in six weeks

There have been seven burglaries in six weeks in Bulwell.There have been seven burglaries in six weeks in Bulwell.
There have been seven burglaries in six weeks in Bulwell.
Police are urging businesses to be vigilant following a recent rise in commercial burglaries in the Bulwell area.

There have been seven commercial burglaries in the last six weeks compared to one during the six weeks prior to that, Nottinghamshire Police said.

The seven burglaries reported in the last six weeks have happened at premises on Hempshill Lane, Main Street, Bennerley Court, Leen Drive and Rufford Walk between May 1 and June 19.

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Items stolen have included cash, computers, laptops, cameras, loose change, a CCTV system and other easy to carry items.

There have been seven burglaries in six weeks in Bulwell.There have been seven burglaries in six weeks in Bulwell.
There have been seven burglaries in six weeks in Bulwell.

PC Adam Scotney said: "We'd like to reassure the local community that we're treating these reports seriously and we're working hard to investigate these crimes and bring those responsible to justice.

"We've provided burglary victims with crime prevention advice and we're also urging members of the public to report any suspicious activity to us, by calling 999 if a crime is in progress or 101 if it's less urgent.

"We're urging businesses to check their security to reduce their chances of becoming a victim of burglary.

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"Take a look at your premises and think 'if I was a burglar what would appeal to me about my business and how would I break in?'

"If your premises look insecure to you then it will to a burglar.

"Consider installing CCTV and an alarm as a deterrent and, if you already have an alarm, check that it is working correctly.

"Advertise any security systems which you have in place and try to avoid keeping large amounts of cash in your till."

Call police on 101, quoting incident number 122 of 19 June 2019, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.